
Introduction to Different X Ray Machine Parts

Parts of an X-Ray Machine

An x-ray machine is a complicated device which can be untarnished in a various of circumstances around the world, which has the ability to penetrate hard objects, they are used for several purposes such as airport security checkpoints to check into bags, or in the medical community to check out where the broken bones or problems within the body exit. All of these above are components that are vital to the inner workings of an x-ray bag scan equipment regardless of which type of X-ray.

--Power Source
A high voltage power source is necessary to operate an x-ray machine, often between 30 and 150 kilovolts relying on the type of x-ray being taken. In the vacuum tube, the voltage can be used to quicken the electrons and is often pulled from 1 microsecond to 1 full second. The high power source of the x-ray machine controls the penetration of the x-ray itself, and thus the overall contrast of the image, with the voltage of the current and exposure time having an vital influence on the dose and darkness of the image.

--Control Unit
To manage the current, voltage, and time of exposure isn't unnecessary for the control unit of the X-ray luggage scanner . Intensity of radiation can change remarkblely relying on whether you are using the machine to render x-ray stills of body parts or using it as a security monitor, what's more,there is a voltage control with a display, which can allow you to adujst yourself in the anode itself to change the style of radiation energy that is to be released.  For the control unit ,there is also a timer to control the pulses and duration of the exposure, shutting the current off when the task of the radiation exposure has been finished .

--Vacuum Tube
Vacuum tube is another name of x ray tube actually and it is one of the important integral X-ray security Inspection equipment parts which works by ionizing radiation with wavelengths shorter than ultraviolet light. Well, the cathode within the equipment can emit electrons into the tube through the vacuum tube or x ray tube actually.
- See more at: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/IndustryNews/Introduction-to-Different-X-Ray-Machine-Parts.shtml


New Airport X-Rays Will Scan Bodies, Not Just Bags

PHOENIX, Feb. 23 — X-ray vision has come to the airport checkpoint here, courtesy of federal aviation security officials who have installed a new device that peeks underneath passengers’ clothing to search for guns, bombs or liquid explosives.
The new X Ray baggage scanner on sales , which went into use on Friday at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and will be tested later at airports in Los Angeles and New York, will screen only volunteers, at least initially. Transportation Security Administration officials want to make sure the machine is reliable and fast enough to replace the traditional pat-down — and that it does not provoke too many protests.
Security officials examining the head-to-toe images work in a closed booth, hidden from public view, agency officials said. Special “privacy” software intentionally blurs the image, creating an outline of a body that is clear enough to see a collarbone, bellybutton or weapon, but flattens details of revealing contours.
Kenneth Johnson, 64, of Mesa, was the first passenger screened on Friday in Phoenix. He said he had titanium implants in both shoulders and one knee that set off alarms at checkpoint metal detectors.
“I’ve been all over the world; I’ve been strip-searched,” Mr. Johnson, who was traveling to Florida, told an Associated Press reporter. “This was very easy.”
Others found the scans objectionable.
“I think that is a violation of people’s personal rights,” said Kara Neal, 36, a mental health counselor on her way to Philadelphia. She was not asked to undergo the screening, but said she would have refused. “I would rather take a pat-down than go through this,” she said.
Lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union have raised similar objections, calling the High sensitivity digital walkthrough metal detector a “virtual strip-search,” and have urged Congress to prohibit its use for routine screening.
The vending-machine-size device, which costs about $110,000, will be used only when passengers are pulled aside for a more thorough check, known as secondary screening, after passing through a metal detector. Other scanning machines will be installed this year at Los Angeles International Airport and at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.
While security agency officials say the machines, known as SmartCheck, pose no health hazards, some experts disagree. The machine, manufactured by American Science and Engineering Inc. of Billerica, Mass., generates about as much radiation as a passenger would get flying for about two minutes at about 30,000 feet, or in technical terms, fewer than 10 microRem per scan, according to security agency and company officials. The machine is already being used in some prisons, by United States customs and at Heathrow Airport in London.
Dr. Albert J. Fornace Jr., an expert in molecular oncology at Georgetown University Medical Center, said such a low dose was inconsequential, even for pregnant women.
“Obviously, no radiation is even better than even a very low level,” Dr. Fornace said. “But this is trivial.”
But David J. Brenner, a professor of radiation oncology at Columbia University, said that even though the risk for any individual was extremely low, he would still avoid it.
“The question is, Do you want to add to your already existing risk?” Professor Brenner said, recommending that pregnant women and young children, in particular, avoid the device. “There are other technologies around that can probably do the job just as well without the extra radiation.”
The machine beams a low-energy baggage inspection supplier at the passenger, which after it bounces off the surface of the skin is processed by computer software that highlights metals or elements like nitrogen that are found in explosives or weapons.
The X-ray is not strong enough to penetrate much beyond the skin, so it cannot find weapons that may be hidden in body cavities.
“A lot of people aren’t really comfortable with a pat-down,” said Ellen Howe, a security agency spokeswoman, “so they may find this to be an alternative they may appreciate.” She added that the X-ray images would be destroyed immediately.
Aviation security officials are rushing to bring new screening devices to airports because of the London-based plot last summer to use liquid explosives to blow up airliners headed to the United States.
The devices now used at the nation’s airports, the narcotics detecting for carry-on bags and the metal detector for passengers, rely on 1950s-era technology that cannot reliably detect liquid or plastic explosives.
Earlier efforts by the federal security agency to introduce more advanced checkpoint technologies have stumbled, including the so-called puffer machines, which blow air on passengers to search for minute traces of explosives.
After installing 94 of the machines at 37 airports, officials suspended the program last year, saying the devices broke down too often. More puffer machines may be bought if the problems can be resolved.
Officials intend to try other alternatives, like a so-called millimeter wave machine that uses harmless radio waves, instead of X-rays, to do a full body scan.
Ms. Howe said that until the tests on the SmartCheck were complete, it was unclear how widely used the machines would be. “We are committed to testing it,” she said. “But we are not committed to deploying it widely until we learn more.”


EI-SC301 High Sensitivity Handheld Metal Detector

EI-SC301 high sensitivity handheld metal detector able to detect the metal with the principle of electromagnetic induction, simply operation, high sensitive, a tiny metal piece like a paper clip can be detected, with sound, buzz and light alarm functions. It can work continuous 24Hrs under normal conditions.

Main Features
High speed detection response rate
Auto fault diagnosis
3 alarm modes featuring audio, vibration and visual
3 levels of adjustable sensitivities
Designed for Airport, Bus station, Metro, Port, Prison, Bank, Industrial Enterprise etc

Technical Specifications
Detection Sensitivity........................................A paper clip can be detected
Sensitivity Level..............................................High, middle and low Sensitivity adjustable
Alarm...............................................................Sound, buzz and light, sound able to turn off
Size/Weight...................................................409 mm(L)x 93mm(W)x 36mm(H)/ 350g
Working Temperature /Humidity...............-20℃~+45℃/0%~95% (non-condensing)
Storage Temperature/Humidity..................-40℃~+ 60℃/20%~95% (non-condensing)
Power Supply................................................9 V (Alkaline batteries or rechargeable)

Safety Standard
Meets the national standard of the People’s Republic of China GB12899-2003

More info:
digital walkthrough metal detector
metal detector door
X-ray security baggage scanner
X Ray inspection supplier


Security Apparatus Installation Eliminates Hazards

There are a lot of security inspection equipment and when it comes to scanning machines, a number of different technologies are involved including the structured light and the computational tomography. In the same vein, the usage of security apparatus vary from each other and a case in point are laser scanners and coordinative measurement machines which are constructed on the basis of similar principles yet function differently. In general, most security apparatus developed in the past three years get the security related data directly from the topological measurement and the data are often converted into a commonly seen format such as a computer aided design model, a highly realistic faced mesh, or non-uniform computed surfaces.

To be more specific, in general one of the main objectives of security apparatus installation is to get the free form shapes out of the body surface and the layer of cloth that covers the human body in important security ports. Then the data can be measured and analyzed to produce free form shapes of many different types. However, it is not an easy task to get the scanned surface images of a certain person suspected to have carried illegal items and it requires the use of an advanced high definition X-ray security Inspection equipment in order to scan the body with clothes. After that, the collected data can be processed with the help of the graphic software. Therefore, we may conclude that the usage of security apparatus mainly takes three steps including the acquisition of security data, data processing and image generation.

Thus, the usage of security inspection machine might be defined as depicting the space between the body and clothes in an exact manner. Security data, often in the form of raw point cloud data, can be obtained within five minutes if the security system works well and you do not have to worry about a great deal of noise frequently experienced in traditional security apparatus. This is because the modern security apparatus can help security administrators to reduce the data size while at the same time, keep the data entirely true to the original shape of the person or object that has been scanned.

At the same time, images can be produced with the processed data, which will lead to the further generation of surfaces and models. Another interesting thing about xray baggage scanner is that the above mentioned processes are completely automated until the entire data base is connected with the network and the meshes will be cleaned up if there are any inconsistent edges so as to ensure that the free form models are constructed from the clean meshes. As a matter of fact, there are random quality checks of security apparatus to remove products that are below the par.


Body Scanner Price on the Decrease

Body scanner price at present is somewhat lower than three years ago thanks to the development of the intelligence technology but the most interesting thing about body scanner price is perhaps the fact that advanced body scanners are capable of working at a range of up to ten meters. In other words, even though the detectors in the body scanner can be quite unobtrusive in theory, they make a record and scan people quietly as they shuffle through the only paths laid out for them at such places as the airport security gate.

Some companies have already expressed interest in the body scanner price and its technology while some researchers hope to create better body scanner prototype in the near future. In spite of the reduced body scanner price, the new technology concerned could be tuned to find out all sorts of compounds that have different probe frequencies. As a matter of fact, it is highly possible that everyone has a certain amounts of compound items on us yet law abiding people do not have to worry about the potential alarm set by the body scanner.

Transistor makes up a large part of the body scanner price and it will filter different signals after receiving them from the main monitor. After that, it will send the signal to land mobile device number one nearby which is largely used as a receiver whose pin functions as a minor database. Then the received signal will be transmitted to the second land mobile device number two which serves as an amplifier so that the signal can be magnified via the integrated circuit.

Another important parts of the body scanner price at present are the capacitor and resistors which are used for matching with the circuitry. What is more, some kinds of body scanner may be installed with infra-red LEDs and the lighting power mainly comes from slender band structures above the ground.

In general, infra-red rays not only spread in all directions but also along straight lines in the forward direction, featuring secondary wavelets when they collide with any obstacles in its path. With the increasing availability of the infra-red ray technology, body scanner price witnesses a slight decrease. To be more specific, when IR rays are emitted from the LED lights, they are designed to move at a special angle in the direction of the transistor so that if any obstacle interferes in its path, the IR rays will be cut. As a result, secondary wavelets will be produced in the opposite direction. What is more, photodiode also accounts for part of the body scanner price, which is a type of photo detector capable of converting light into a current or voltage and is used for the protection of circuit.


What Is Nowadays X ray Machines Application

Thanks to the greatest discovery of Hand Hold liquid detector by Wilhelm Rontgen in 1895. From then on, many scientists experimented and aided in developing X-ray technology. Various X-ray machines were invented and they became a kind of the most useful and powerful tools with an increasing needs in modern society. You can find them anywhere in both industrial and medical fields, and in commercial and government settings.

Besides the medical usage, X Ray baggage scanner on sales  have another significant application which lies in transportation security. No matter where you travel to and which means of transportation you choose, you will meet the security X-ray machines in and out of your country, and you must focus on something about types of security X ray systems. There are many types of them at bus stations, airports, and railway stations, metro and underground stations. Free standing security luggage X-ray machines in different sizes inspect both your carry-on bags and checked luggage. That’s the common usage of security X-ray system which ordinary people may engage in or have knowledge on.

Due to the needs of public safety, the security X-ray technology is developing rapidly these years. Similar X-ray devices which have different types of X-Ray generators are used for different applications. They are perfect for use on various objects by government agencies, corporate security teams, law enforcement agencies, customs, security check points, border control and prisons etc. They also can be used for some important events and venue security.

Authorities usually use X-ray machines and other related security inspecting systems to detect weapons, stowaways, illegal drugs, and other contraband. There’s an auto Hand Held liquid detector suitable for vehicles up to the size of a small van and it can be rapidly set up and operational. When a target vehicle goes through the single pass which has an X-ray scanner, the security personnel could have a detailed view of the inside of the vehicle in a single scan. With 3 digital x-ray imaging technologies, the operator can view the images clearly from a remote laptop in order to detect any suspicious objects. Furthermore, some real-time portable X-ray machines were designed to meet a wide range of needs on the field operative in security and others. They can help security personnel to make quick-reaction on potential threats and possible risks.

Actually, public safety is not only the matter of our government, but also the matter of our own. It is reported that a parcel which was polluted by poisonous chemicals killed several people last year in China. The related companies who send it and who delivered it took the responsibility. Supposing that the express companies use mail/package scanning devices which employ x-rays before they delivering them, this killing should be happened then? Unfortunately, for most of the express companies in China, the procedure of delivery is still a hangover. It is hoped that they will have effective X Ray baggage scanner company for inspecting potentially harmful items and contraband in the near future.

There’s still more ample scope for the applications of security X-ray machines and they will bring more benefits in modern society as they always do.


Hand Portable Metal Scanner Has Different Applications

Metal is nearly everywhere in our lives. Even though we may not feel the existence of it, metal plays an irreplaceable role in this world. Metal is on our clothes, in our laptop, on the bus and on the road. However, metal can also bring harmful influence to our lives. As a result, the detection of metal is quite important and necessary.

Hand Hold liquid detector are divided into many types. Some metal detectors are produced for security check. For instance, it is common to see the staffs in airports, train stations, subway stations, embassies and customhouses hold different application of X Ray baggage scanner on sales. They use the scanner to detect whether there is dangerous metal item hidden on people. With this procedure, the safety of people will be ensured. It’s really easy to handle because the hand metal scanners are able to regulate and adjust themselves automatically, so that operators don’t need to change any parameters of the scanner. What they are supposed to do is only moving the scanner close to people to be detected. Considering that the working period of the operators may be quite long, the scanner shouldn’t be heavy. Fortunately, the designers are considerate and they have thought about this issue. After several generations of improvement, hand metal scanner becomes lighter and lighter. As a result, the operators can use it with ease and convenience.

Another typical case is the application in baggage detector factory archaeology. There is so much unknown treasure and so many relics underground. Metal’s properties are stable, so they can still exist after so many years underground.

Most of the relics are metal and it’s significant to looking for them and digging them out. With the help of hand metal scanner, historians are able to detect the existence of metal items and determine the location of the metal items accurately. Since the different application of Hand Held liquid detector is light and portable, historians are able to carry it conveniently. So that historians can look for metal items in the wild and find out the remaining trace of brilliant history.

Here is an example that is close to students. In mainland China, the college entrance examination is of great importance and significance. So it is clear that every student wants to perform as well as they can because they only have one chance a year. However, some lazy students who are not willing to study hard also desire to enter excellent university. Without enough knowledge to work out difficult problems, they think about using electronic devices to cheat. After many cases of cheating with electronic devices are reported, narcotics detecting scanners are introduced into the examination rooms. Before entering the examination room, students need to be detected by hand metal scanner. As a result, we ensure fair treatment for every student.

As we can see, the application of hand metal scanner is really wide. It makes our lives convenient and better.

 - See more at: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/IndustryNews/The-Different-Application-of-Hand-Metal-Scanner.shtml#sthash.jsmP8LET.dpuf